Some, you can tell from the name or picture - what was I thinking? Others might look good, but trust me, I did you a favor holding it back. So just in case you think it's all perfect results in my kitchen, here are just a few of the disappointments of 2010:
Jamaican Banana Bread
Strawberry Silk Pie (bleh)
Jamaican Beef Patties (not nearly as good as the ones from street carts in Toronto)
"Ultimate" Cinnamon Rolls (yeahright)
Ginger Cocoa Biscotti
Chocolate Peanut Brownie Cake (next time I should use the right size pan and also not burn the caramel)
Lime Marshmallow Pie (so pretty but so sour!)
Chocolate Ricotta Muffins (just wrong)
Banana Macadamia Pie (trying too hard)
Dutch Apple Cheese Muffins (truly gross)
Banana Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
Pecan Praline Muffins
Crockpot Chocolate Pudding Cake
Cranberry Pear Pie (just one in a lineup of Thanksgiving disappointments)
Two kinds of Strawberry Bread, both bad
Nasty Apple Cake (totally different from the good one I posted)
Light Lemon Bundt Cake
And the absolutely worst thing I made this year is this truly revolting Strawberry and Chocolate Jiggle-Fluff Pie. I watched Sunny Anderson make it on her show. I thought it looked so comfort-food good, and she sure seemed to like it. Did I do something wrong, or is it really supposed to be a chunky-slimy gag-reflex-inducing mess?