It must be the weather, I thought. Weather turns cooler, look to the holidays. Think of Thanksgiving, want lemon meringue pie. Florence Manwaring's lemon meringue pie. Want it TODAY.
It was even easier than I remember (and it only took TWO lemons!) Whip it up, pour it in. Whip the meringue, top it off. Bake it to perfection. Lick the lemon-stuff pan sparkling clean - soooooo good! Let Ed have a few pieces, but eat most of it myself. Ah, satisfaction.
1 baked and cooled pie crust
2 lemons (juice and zest)
2 cups water
1 cup sugar
5 to 6 T cornstarch
Pinch salt
3 eggs, separated
1 T butter
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
1/2 to 1 tsp vanilla extract
6 T sugar
1. Juice the lemons and grate zest; add to juice. Separate 3 eggs and put yolks in one bowl, whites in another. Mix the yolks well.
2. Boil 2 cups of water in a tea kettle. Pour 1 cup of sugar into a saucepan. Add 5 to 6 T cornstarch and mix with a whisk so they are well blended. Pour in the boiling water and cook, stirring, over medium heat until the mixture becomes clear. Add a little salt.
3. Add the egg yolks slowly while stirring over medium heat. Add the lemon juice, rind and butter, stirring well. Pour the mixture into the already-baked and cooled pie crust.
4. Preheat oven to 300. Whip the egg whites with electric mixer. Add 1/4 tsp cream of tartar and continue to beat. When whites are stiff and fluffy add 6 T sugar and 1/2 to 1 tsp vanilla slowly, continuing to beat.
5. Spread meringue over lemon filling and form lovely peaks (such a fun part.) Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until meringue turns golden. Makes 1 pie (can easily be doubled.)
oh droool.
Luckily you have enough lemons for 3 more pies!
Your meringue looks wonderful, and the pie piece picture is making me drool too. Didn't you win a pie making contest when you were on your Mission?
Can't wait to give it a try. Love the blog--keep up the good work!
ummm.... yeah that looks so good!!
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