
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Pancake Week is Baaaaaack!

Ladies and gentlemen, (OK, honestly, pretty much mostly just ladies), for the first time in almost two years, the VGP's Pancake Week is BACK!

Tuesday is National Pancake Day.  IHOP is giving stacks away for free.  The whole world is indulging on Mardi Gras.  And so are we!

Every day this week you will find another *new* pancake recipe, never before posted on this blog, and some of them will blow your mind!  See you tomorrow (and all week) for some breakfast stacks to make you smile!


  1. Hey, speaking of pancakes, I was trying to find Aunt Pat's buttermilk syrup on your blog - have you posted it before? Couldn't find it, but I think I'm going to need it. Thx. Those blueberry ones look amazing, can't wait to try it. I made really boring pancakes during the snowstorm and need to step up my game.

  2. Yay! I'm excited for pancake recipes because I love pancakes! I even posted a recipe of my own today in honor of Pancake Day. I look forward to trying yours out. :)
