
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Amendment to Lucky Rainbow Jell-O

 So right after posting the Rainbow Jell-o, I decided to make it again.  Some friends were coming for dinner on St. Patrick's Day, so I thought I'd try making it with end-of-the-rainbow chocolate gold coins in the bottom (leftover from Hanukkah.)  AND it was my big chance to make in the trifle bowl, which is PERFECT for showcasing its beautiful colors. 
It was awesome.  Everyone loved it - how can you not?  It's like Skittles in Jell-o form.  And the coins on the bottom worked great, too, and the kids had a fun time discovering them and eating them with dinner, and it didn't even have to count as dessert!

The other food was not really Irish, but Ed's cousin Heather brought her big black plastic Halloween cauldron and filled it with a yummy green punch, plus we were all wearing green, so it was a very festive evening.  Oh, and I invested in a nice shamrock cookie cutter, so we had shamrock sugar cookies and mint chocolate chip ice cream for dessert.  Happy St. Patty's!

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