
Monday, November 29, 2010

Just Here for the Food (a shout-out)

Like you, I check food blogs for recipes. I browse, I find, I take. I almost never go back and leave comments. Like you. Which is totally fine.

I don't blog for the purpose of getting comments. Though of course I always love the ones I get. Nice to know I'm not floating around by myself in cyberspace. But more, it's exciting to know I'm not the only one loving these foods. It's the shared experience of you've-made-and-eaten-that-too, yum, right?

Which is why it is just as fun to get feedback through the grapevine. My readership has doubled this year so most of you probably don't know me personally. You may not think of me as a real person, just a recipe source. Like I said, totally fine. But just so you know...

Thanks, Jennifer M. (Katy's mom) - Katy shared some of your enthusiasm with me over the weekend and I love it! You've got to tell me what you've made and how you liked it.

And thanks Donna and Lynn (Donna's friend). I'm glad, Donna, the apple pie bars never had the chance to cool in the pan. And Lynn, your family will love the muffins.

Finally, thanks, Jeremy B - did you know Tona called me to tell me about your Twitter message? You have no idea how it boosted my spirits to keep the bar high going into December. And I want to know which half a dozen things you've made. "Best food blog (you've) ever read?" High, high praise indeed and I thank you.

I am thrilled when friends and strangers alike come "just for the food."


  1. Oh, alright. I'll make myself known! I'm Katie Palmer's sister. She told me about your blog, and she is right. Every dish you post a picture of makes my mouth water! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Well, I have to 'fess up. I actually don't come just for the food. I come because although sure, I find great recipes here, what I most enjoy is that this is a comfortable place. Nice, friendly, clean, great photos, and I love the way you talk/write. It is nice in this big old cyberspace to find others who speak my language, believe in my values, and just enjoy cooking, preparing food that we give our families with love. My daughter helped with Thanksgiving more than ever this year, which is about time since she's nearly 20. Jokingly I told her she'll be expected to carry on this great tradition when I'm no longer able, and I still need to teach her lots of stuff. She had her a-ha moment when she said the best part of Thanksgiving dinner is the way we (hear that, "we"!) prepare our home, our meal, our heart, and leftovers the next day with so much love. Yes, my darlin' that's what it's all about. Thank you for giving me delicious recipes/tools to do just that, Kari!

  3. Kari - I LOVE this blog and I would say I try at least 1 out of every four recipes. I even blogged about your S'mores pie. I am terrible at leaving comments, but I read everyday - both this and Disco Mom. They make me smile everyday - and make high school and VA and the US feel not so far away. Thank you! xxx

  4. I just bragged about this blog to a friend the other day (it was about the pink grapefruit sandwich cookies) and I see you've relinked to them! Woohoo!

  5. I don't know if you remember me from high school. I graduated with Maren (and also did drama). Maren told me about your blog when I was looking for more baking recipes, and I check your blog once or twice a week. I have a pretend bakery on facebook - check out the Cinnamon Girl Bakery if you're interested. This blog is fantastic!
    Abby Limmer

  6. I've been lurking for quite a while, have had your blog in my newsreader for about two years now. Didn't realize you were Tona's sister until I stumbled upon an older guest post she wrote!

    The recipes I've tried over the last year or so, I think, are:

    * Soft Rolls - Last week, delicious!
    * Cinnamon Roll cookies
    * Cinnamon Rolls
    * Peanut Butter Melts
    * Foccacia

    Have quite a few others bookmarked to try! Thanks so much for writing a wonderful blog, and sharing your recipes and photos!
